Lazy Bee Scripts
Scripts for Schools and Youth Theatre

Browse Plays for Kids
The play scripts listed here are designed to be acted by young people, whether as school plays, in youth theatre (or youth theater, if you use American English), in drama workshops or as a part of other youth activities.
Currently, we have 820 scripts written specifically for kids, plus others written for adults but within the capabilities of some children's drama groups.
Click this link to browse through the whole collection of scripts written specifically for kids,
However, we offer lots of ways of narrowing down the search for the scripts that will suit you group. You can check out our best selling Schools and Youth Theatre scripts, however, since those cover the whole age-range, we think the logical approach is to start by picking an age-group...
From the results, you will be able to browse by many other categories.
Disclaimer: Just because we think a script will suit a particular age group it does not mean that it will suit your group.
For that reason, we suggest that you read the on-line text of the plays that grab your interest.

Individual Age-Groups
Suitable for under-fives
Suitable for five- to eight-year-olds
Suitable for nine- to twelve-year-olds
Suitable for thirteen- to sixteen-year-olds
Broader Age-Groups
Note that the scripts in these bands need to be within the compass of all parts of the band.
The broader the age-range, the smaller the supply of scripts!
Suitable for five- to twelve-year-olds
Suitable for nine- to sixteen-year-olds
Suitable for five- to sixteen-year-olds

You can narrow your search for School / Youth Theatre scripts by using our FindAFew search engine
or, if you have very specific requirements, then there's also our Plays for Schools and Youth Theatre search engine

Lazy Bee Scripts Home Page