Lazy Bee Scripts

Kim Watson
Kim Watson the playwright
Working in the Following Genre:
Full-Length Plays
Born in rural Southwestern Ontario, Kim grew up with a quixotic imagination that poured out as singer, songwriter, story teller, and in the last decade, writer. Kim's love for script writing began after she and her daughter opened a quaint little theatre company in Woodstock ON. Wanting to produce and preform local work on the stage of her theatre, Kim found that unique characters,witty banter, and meaningful messages came naturally to her. All of her work has been preformed on the stage of Kingdom Things Theatre ( 2013- 2018) as well as at other venues. She is delighted to have her play "The Back Alley Bakery" published by Lazy Bee.
The Back Alley Bakery
The inspiration for Kim's plays start with the title, which usually pop into her mind from objects or experiences around her. The characters' names start to come followed by the conversations they have with one another. Kim usually doesn't know the direction of the plot until the moment it is being typed out on her computer. She enjoys the witty banter, plot twist and beautiful moments the characters create for her.
"The Back Alley Bakery" was created after Kim was looking at a business card that her husband's coworker had given her. The coworker had "his baker" whip up some cookies for Kim's husband's surprise birthday. The coworker was hoping Kim would use " his baker" for future theatre events. Little did he know that in giving the business card to Kim, in which read " use the back alley", "The Back Alley Bakery" was born.
Full-Length Plays
 The Back Alley Bakery 

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