Lazy Bee Scripts

Ian Cartwright
Working in the Following Genre:
The Author
Having played a part in many amateur productions, both on the stage and behind the scenes, Ian thought he knew how to keep an audience entertained. Encouraged by his sister-in-law he began to write panto scripts for her own local society. His warped sense of humour and love of ‘Dad Jokes’ combined with his knowledge of what goes on behind the curtains proved a successful combination and his first attempt, Jack and Jill and the Curse of the Mummy, proved a big hit and prompted a new script each year for St Giles Drama Group and ultimately for another local society to perform.

Encouraged by enthusiastic cast and audience members Ian has now made some of these shows available to a wider group of potential users via Lazybee. Some of these have already been picked up by their customers but be warned, others are on the way.
The Pantomimes
The definition of a pantomime is a theatrical show involving music, topical jokes and slapstick comedy, based on a fairy tale or nursery story. This is exactly what Ian attempts to achieve with a goody, a baddy, principal boy and girl, the odd fairy or demon and of course the traditional dame, all supported by multi role chorus characters. However you won’t find the normal Cinderella or Puss in Boots. Ian bases each script on a different nursery rhyme, leading to unique stories about such things as talking sheep and mad cap inventions (Mary had a little lamb), pantomime camels and malfunctioning water works (Jack and Jill and the curse of the mummy) or pie based tasks set by an interfering fairy (Simple Simon).

But although the stories are unique they all contain the true pantomime elements. So if you fancy a refreshing change from beanstalks, genies and ugly sisters try the links below.
The Scripts
All the scripts were originally written to be performed by an enthusiastic group of amateur players of all ages. As well as the normal lead characters Ian always tries to create cameo roles for chorus members to increase their involvement and engagement. St Giles is based in the local Church Hall so the stage demands are generally main scenes or front of tabs with the occasional inset or down stage build. This means similar groups can and do perform them within their own limit, or an easy transition onto larger sets where facilities allow. Whatever the setting the stage directions and set summaries provide for full lighting, sound and special effects often beyond the expectations of the audience but capable of being tailored to individual venue capabilities.

Music is an important part of panto so all shows come with a suggested list of songs, some with reworked words to suit the situation and storyline.
Jack And Jill And The Curse Of The MummyMary Had a Little Lamb 
Lucy LocketSimple Simon 

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