Lazy Bee Scripts
Scripts for Musicals and Musical Plays

Browse Musicals & Musical Plays
Currently, we have 143 musicals and musical plays, all of which can be read in full on this site.  These are plays where music forms an integral part of the drama.  In addition, we have 182 plays with optional songs/music.  Click on the underlined text to see descriptions of the plays. (From there, clicking on a title will take you to the script.  There should also be an "additional details" page which lists the songs.)
Click this link to browse through the whole collection.  You can check out our best selling Musicals (this is a simple subset of the scripts listed below, for the reasons explained below), or follow the links below to narrow-down the search. (There are also links to our search engise at the bottom of each of the major sections below.)
Some musical plays don't come with music!
That statement may look silly, but this page combines several categories:-
a composer has written (or adapted) songs especially for that show (in which case, we supply sheet music)
the playwright suggests music or songs which form a counterpoint to the drama; the music is generally "popular music" (written by a variety of composers) and in that case, Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply sheet music.
(Of course, life is more complicated, and there are some shows where we supply sheet music for some of the songs.)
Musicals and Musical Plays
Where the music forms an integral part of the show.
(This category excludes musical pantomimes.)
Less than 20 Minutes
20 to 45 Minutes
46 to 75 Minutes
Greater than 75 Minutes
(Caution: Run-times are estimates from word-count, with estimated run time for songs.)
Musical Theatre Scripts with original songs sorted by target age-group
Musical drama for under-fives
Musical drama for five- to eight-year-olds
Musical drama for nine- to twelve-year-olds
Musical drama for thirteen- to seventeen-year-olds
Musical drama for ages 17 and over

Musical (British) Pantomime Scripts
Pantomimes with sheet music for all songs
Pantomimes with sheet music for some songs
Pantomimes with song suggestions (no scores)
Musical Theatre Scripts with song suggestions sorted by Run-Time
(This category excludes musical pantomimes.)
Less than 20 Minutes
20 to 45 Minutes
46 to 75 Minutes
Greater than 75 Minutes
(Caution: Run-times are estimates from word-count, with estimated run time for songs.)
Musical Theatre Scripts with song suggestions sorted by target age-group
Musical drama for under-fives
Musical drama for five- to eight-year-olds
Musical drama for nine- to twelve-year-olds
Musical drama for thirteen- to seventeen-year-olds
Musical drama for ages 17 and over

Musical drama with Instrumental Recordings
Musical drama with Vocal Recordings
Pantomimes with Instrumental Recordings
Pantomimes with Vocal Recordings

If you have very specific requirements, then there's our Musicals & Musical Plays search engine
or to narrow down to just a few sMusicals, use the Find A Few search engine.

Plays with (Optional) Music
With music suggested or supplied, though the drama does not require it...
(This category excludes musical pantomimes.)
Less than 20 Minutes
20 to 45 Minutes
46 to 75 Minutes
Greater than 75 Minutes
(Caution: Run-times are estimates from word-count, with estimated run time for songs.)
Plays with (optional) original songs sorted by target age-group
Musical drama for under-fives
Musical drama for five- to eight-year-olds
Musical drama for nine- to twelve-year-olds
Musical drama for thirteen- to seventeen-year-olds
Musical drama for ages 17 and over

(British) Pantomime Scripts with less integral music
Pantomimes with sheet music for all songs
Pantomimes with sheet music for some songs
Pantomimes with song suggestions (no scores)
Plays with (optional) song suggestions sorted by Run-Time
(This category excludes musical pantomimes.)
Less than 20 Minutes
20 to 45 Minutes
46 to 75 Minutes
Greater than 75 Minutes
(Caution: Run-times are estimates from word-count, with estimated run time for songs.)
Plays with (optional) song suggestions sorted by target age-group
Musical drama for under-fives
Musical drama for five- to eight-year-olds
Musical drama for nine- to twelve-year-olds
Musical drama for thirteen- to seventeen-year-olds
Musical drama for ages 17 and over

Musical drama with Instrumental Recordings
Musical drama with Vocal Recordings
Pantomimes with Instrumental Recordings
Pantomimes with Vocal Recordings

If you have very specific requirements for Plays with Optional Music, then we have a Plays with (Optional) Music search engine
or to narrow down to just a few Plays with Music, use the Find A Few search engine.

Lazy Bee Scripts Home Page