Lazy Bee Scripts
Browse Music CDs and MP3s

The recordings presented here are optional extras to accompany some of the scripts on this site.   Each recording is designed for a specific script.
This is particularly pertinent to pantomimes, where we may have multiple versions of a particular title but each CD belongs to a particular version.

Recordings of Scripts 101 to 110 of 170
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Mother Goose [Version 2] by TLC Creative
Backing CDRecording by TLC Creative &
Backing Tracks for the nine songs from Mother Goose [Version 2] by TLC Creative. (The tracks are presented in two versions, with and without an instrument playing the vocal line - the 'with' version may be easier for rehearsal.)
Track List

Mudboy and the Messkings by George Douglas Lee
Mixed CDCD with simple backing tracks (vocal line played on an instrument with piano accompaniment) for the seven songs and two reprises from Mudboy and the Messkings by George Douglas Lee plus seven vocal demos.
Track List

The Music of Christmas by Andrew Yates
Mixed CDInstrumental track, Backing Tracks for the 12 suggested songs plus backing tracks with lead melody line and vocal demos of the 'popular song' selections from The Music of Christmas by Andrew Yates
Track List

A Musical Mother Goose by Gerald P. Murphy
Rehearsal CDCD with vocal line (played on an instrument) plus basic piano accompanyment for all the songs from 'A Musical Mother Goose' by Gerald P. Murphy.
Track List
Vocal CDCD with vocal demos of all the songs from 'A Musical Mother Goose' by Gerald P. Murphy.
Track List
Vocal MP3Zip file containing MP3 files of vocal demos of all the songs from 'A Musical Mother Goose' by Gerald P. Murphy.
Track List
Rehearsal MP3Zip file of MP3 rehearsal tracks for the 8 songs from 'A Musical Mother Goose' by Gerald P. Murphy. The tracks have vocal lines (played on an instrument) plus basic piano accompanyment.
Track List

The Musical Scottish Play by Bill Siviter with Lea Anderson
Rehearsal CDMusical accompaniment (simple piano/vocal arrangement) for the six songs from The Musical Scottish Play
Track List

A New You by Wesley A. Knoch
Backing CDBacking tracks for the nine songs from 'A New You' by Wesley A. Knoch, together with an overture and two instrumentals (for the two dances).
Track List

Nigel and the Musketeer-ettes by Lee Sofianos
Rehearsal CDSimple rehearsal CD (piano accompaniment with vocal line played on a different instrument) for all the songsfrom Nigel and the Musketeer-ettes by Lee Sofianos
Track List

Noah, Yes Noah! by Richard Cowling
Backing CDCD of the orchestrated version of Noah, Yes Noah! by Richard Cowling. (Note that this is backing music, the tracks are purely instrumental and do not necessarily have a prominent instrument playing the vocal parts)
Track List

Nun Fun in the Arizona Sun by Gerald P. Murphy
Rehearsal CDRehearsal CD (with simple accompaniment and an instrument playing the vocal line) for the opening instrumental and six songs from 'Nun Fun in the Arizona Sun' by Gerald P. Murphy.
Track List
Rehearsal MP3Rehearsal tracks (with simple accompaniment and an instrument playing the vocal line) for the opening instrumental and six songs from 'Nun Fun in the Arizona Sun' by Gerald P. Murphy.
Track List

Olivia Twist by Gerald P. Murphy
Rehearsal CDCD with vocal line (played on an instrument) plus basic piano accompanyment for all the songs from Olivia Twist by Gerald P. Murphy.
Track List

Recordings of Scripts 101 to 110 of 170
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