Lazy Bee Scripts
Buy Rehearsal Tracks, Backing Tracks or Vocal Recordings of Songs for a Show

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'Hats Off! - The Musical' Rehearsal CD (Recording by Sue Gordon)
Click here for more details    £5.00. Quantity wanted:

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'An Heir for the King' Backing CD (Recording by Wesley A. Knoch)
Click here for more details    £12.00. Quantity wanted:

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'An Heir for the King' Vocal CD (Recording by Wesley A. Knoch)
Click here for more details    £10.00. Quantity wanted:

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'Henry and the Rocket' Rehearsal MP3 (Recording by Eseld Swift)
Click here for more details    £0.20. Quantity wanted:

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'Hoodwinked' Mixed CD (Recording by Andrew Yates)
Click here for more details    £12.00. Quantity wanted:

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'Hook and Peter Pan - How it all began' Backing CD (Recording by Giles Scott, Helen Dooley and Bob Walsh)
Click here for more details    £12.00. Quantity wanted:

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'Hunting Death' Mixed CD (Recording by Nicholas Richards)
Click here for more details    £8.00. Quantity wanted:

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'I'll See You In My Dreams' Backing MP3 (Recording by Stuart Ardern)
Click here for more details    £4.00. Quantity wanted:

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'In the Lap of the Gods' Rehearsal MP3 (Recording by Isabelle Michalakis)
Click here for more details    £3.00. Quantity wanted:

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'An Irregular Satellite' Mixed MP3 (Recording by Meg Schenk)
Click here for more details    £2.00. Quantity wanted:

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Recordings 101 to 110 of 188
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