Lazy Bee Scripts
Comedy Play Scripts

Browse Comedy Plays
All these scripts are suitable for adults. (Look at our kids pages if you are after scripts for youngsters.)
This category also excludes pantomime, which we take as a special case of comedy, with its own section.
Currently, we have 1594 scripts in this category. We therefore offer lots of ways of narrowing down the search for the scripts that will suit you group.
Click this link to browse through the whole comedy collection,
or follow the links below to narrow-down the search...
Full-length comedies (generally suitable for a whole evening's entertainment)
One-Act comedy (by length, not necessarily by structure)
Sketches, skits and short plays (everything under 20 minutes)
Comedy by Numbers
Plays that can be performed by companies of...
0F +  1M2M,  3M4M5M6M
0M +  1F,  2F,  3F,  4F,  5F,  6F
1M +  1F,  2F,  3F,  4F,  5F,  6F
2M +  1F,  2F,  3F,  4F,  5F,  6F
3M +  1F,  2F,  3F,  4F,  5F,  6F
4M +  1F,  2F,  3F,  4F,  5F,  6F
5M +  1F,  2F,  3F,  4F,  5F,  6F
6M +  1F,  2F,  3F,  4F,  5F,  6F
Plays for more than 6 Males (and any number of females)
Plays for more than 6 Females (and any number of males)
Large-cast plays (with a chorus in the sense of "crowd")
Plays for specific character ages
This is a complex category! Many companies have mixes of ages, and many plays are for characters of indeterminate age.
If you have very specific requirements, then our Play Script search engine may be a better place to start.
To give a flavour of what is possible, here are a few examples
All characters over 65
Some characters over 65 plus others of unspecified age
Some characters 51 to 65 no limits on the other characters
No characters must be under 35 (though some might be) Lots of other combinations are possible!
Plays by Theme
These are themes present in the scripts, not necessarily the subject of the script.
(There are many other themes - these are just things we've noticed!)
Ancient Civilisations
Medical Matters
Physical Comedy
Science Fiction
Sherlock Holmes
Twentieth Century

You can use combinations of the above categories (and a lot more) in our Play Script search engine

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