Lazy Bee Scripts
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The Hang-Up by Helen Gent
RolesMinimum Male roles = 1. Minimum Female roles = 1. Minimum total with doubling = 2. Minimum total without doubling = 2. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 4 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleA very short sketch which is simple, funny and easy to produce.
SynopsisA couple are at the end of a long phone call, but she has more trouble disconnecting than he does.
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Hannah the Horrible by Gerald P. Murphy
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 5. Minimum total with doubling = 5. Minimum total without doubling = 5. No chorus. The characters are two adults and three children (aged 6 to 12). Whilst of course it could be played to age, it could also be performed by a youth theatre company (or even an adult company playing children).
Run TimeAround 12 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleTen-minute (or so) comedy play.
SynopsisHannah seems to be to blame for everything bad that happens in young Karen's class. Karen's mother confronts her teacher...
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Hans and Gretel by Paul John Matthews
RolesMinimum Male roles = 5. Minimum Female roles = 4. Minimum total with doubling = 20. Minimum total without doubling = 22. Chorus. Variable chorus size at Producer's discretion.
Run TimeAround 120 minutes. [Estimated!]
MusicSong suggestions for 19 songs are provided with the Producer's copy of this script. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script.
StyleA full length pantomime, with various settings.
SynopsisDame Beatrice, aunt to Hans and Gretel, handsome Prince Kurt with his entourage, and the whole of his police force (!) combine - to prevent evil witch Gretchen and her weird attendants from turning Hans and Gretel into gingerbread men. A giant bird helps as well... A traditional panto with good and evil characters, and plenty of audience involvement.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Hansel & Gretel [Version 5] by Andrew O'Leary
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 4. Minimum total with doubling = 17. Minimum total without doubling = 24. Chorus.
Run TimeAround 104 minutes. [Estimated!] The timing assumes the use of 10 songs.
MusicThe producer's copy of the script contains suggestions for 10 songs. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script.
StyleFull-length pantomime. May contain gingerbread.
SynopsisThe evil witch Hexema and her coven want to bring about destruction, but they need an innocent soul to complete their potion. It could be Hansel or Gretel unless an unlikely group of heroes can save them!
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Hansel & Gretel...? (A Postmodern Pantomime) [One-Act] by Luke Reilly
RolesMinimum Male roles = 1. Minimum Female roles = 2. Minimum total with doubling = 5. Minimum total without doubling = 5. No chorus. The script requires a non-speaking usher as part of the cast, but also a volunteer from the audience (a genuine volunteer, not a plant) who is given some lines to read, so needs a script but is not part of the cast. (We warned you it was postmodern.)
Run TimeAround 56 minutes. [Estimated!] Timing allows for 8 songs.
MusicThe producer's copy of the script contains alternative lyrics for the 8 suggested songs. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script.
StyleOne-act, small-cast postmodern pantomime. (A pantomime, but also exposing the mechanics of the show, with the director appearing on stage.)
SynopsisEnigmatic director Mal Sixsmith invites you to an open rehearsal of Hansel & Gretel, but are his cast ready for opening night? It's leading lady Toni's first gig, but she's distracted by her crush on co-leading lady Bill. Meanwhile, Simon the Dame believes his talents are wasted and is keen to catch the bus home.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Hansel and Gretel by Sally Gander
Best Seller
RolesMinimum Male roles = 4. Minimum Female roles = 3. Minimum total with doubling = 12. Minimum total without doubling = 18. Chorus. Includes a pantomime dame (usually, but not necessarily played by a man), but doesn't have a formal 'principal boy' role. The chorus includes sniggering goblins and a pantomime owl!
Run TimeAround 55 minutes. [Estimated!]
MusicOpportunities for music at the discretion of the producer. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script.
StyleShort British Pantomime, suitable for performance by children or adults. (Technically a two-act play, because there are two acts, but classified as a one-act, because it's not long enough to need an interval!)
SynopsisA few unconventional twists to the Grimm brothers' tale. The witch wants an extention for her cottage. Enter the odd job men, Short and Sweet. (Given that it's a gingerbread cottage, this is a really odd job.) Meanwhile, Hansel and Gretel have got lost in the woods (by following an escaped cake!) and their mother (Dame Betty Knott) is going frantic.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
ExtrasThe following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script:
** Pantomime Fun-Packs - jokes and games for children, to supplement the programme for your show
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Hansel and Gretel - A Short Musical by Gerald P. Murphy
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 4. Minimum total with doubling = 9. Minimum total without doubling = 21. No chorus. Characters include humans, birds, rodents, dogs and four wheels (although we never get to hear the singing of the tyres!)
Run TimeAround 25 minutes. [Estimated!]
MusicSheet music for four original songs is supplied with the Producer's copy of the script.
StyleA modern version of the Grimm Brothers' story told as a verse play with four songs. Simple props, no specific set requirements. (A version without music is also available.)
SynopsisIn an update to the original fable, Hansel and Gretel's parents want to get rid of them, not because the family is poor, but because the parents are selfish. This leads to the encounter with the witch with the confectionary cottage.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
ExtrasThe following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script:
** A set of MP3 files with piano arrangements of songs from the show
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Hansel and Gretel [Short Play] by Geoff Bamber
RolesMinimum Male roles = 3. Minimum Female roles = 4. Minimum total with doubling = 15. Minimum total without doubling = 15. No chorus. This may be an unual cast for Hansel and Gretel. Tthere could well be a huntsman, a professor, a troll and a small police unit in some version, somewhere. And if there wasn't, there is now.
Run TimeAround 45 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleOne-act comedy play for kids. Divided into 13 scenes, but can be played continuously without the need for elaborate stage sets.
SynopsisHansel and Gretel's widowed and lonely father, a woodcutter, needs a new wife. When his children find him the perfect candidate an early 'happy ever after' resolution appears likely. It can't be that simple, can it? No, it can't. Enter a witch with an evil plan and family life takes a turn for the worse.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Hansel and Gretel [Verse] by Peter Bond
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 3. Minimum total with doubling = 6. Minimum total without doubling = 6. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 8 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleShort rhyming play. This approaches the border of the British pantomime genre. (Make you own mind up on that point!)
SynopsisA short rhyming play that preserves the villainous role of the father, but takes extreme liberties with other parts of the original tale, casting Hansel and Gretel in a less-than-favourable light.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Hansel and Gretel [Version 2] by James O'Sullivan
Winner of Best Junior Play award at Chelford Drama Festival 2016
RolesMinimum Male roles = 3. Minimum Female roles = 4. Minimum total with doubling = 7. Minimum total without doubling = 13. No chorus. Seven major parts and six minor ones, including a wolf and two birds.
Run TimeAround 25 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleOne-act sardonic comedy for a youth theatre company (or could be played by adults to an audience of kids).
SynopsisThe parents of Hansel and Gretel are looking to downsize the family, so they relocate their kids to the woods where they run afoul of a wicked witch.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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