Lazy Bee Scripts
'The Victorians' by Andrew Yates - songs and additional information.

'The Victorians' by Andrew Yates
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 More about Andrew Yates 
The following songs form part of the script. Scores are supplied with the Producer's Copy of the script.
Scores for the following songs are supplied with the Producer's Copy of the script.
Song #SongSample
1We Are Victorians (Andrew Yates)Sample from the Backing CD
2Won’t You Come Home Disraeli (Music: Hughie Cannon. Song: Won’t You Come Home Bill Bailey. Lyrics: Andrew Yates)Sample from the Backing CD
3The Husband Song (Andrew Yates)Sample from the Backing CD
4The Pickpocket Song (Andrew Yates)Sample from the Backing CD
5The Pride Of Sir Robert Peel (Andrew Yates)Sample from the Backing CD
6I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside (John A Glover-Kind )
7We Are Victorians - Finale (Andrew Yates)
Period and Geography
Location: England. Time Period: 19th Century
Settings and Set Complexity
Number of Sets: 0
Set Requirements: No Set
The script includes characters in the following age range(s):
Unspecified ages
 Language Advisory:Help
We have not identified any instances of bad language in the text.
(However we are not omniscient. We therefore invite you to read the text on-line.)
In addition to the text, the "Producer's Copy" of the Script includes the following:
A list of the required properties
Piano and vocal scores for all of the songs (these should be listed above)
Short educational and entertaining musical for kids.
A brief history of Victorian England brought together through a series of songs and Vignettes.


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