Lazy Bee Scripts
'Queen of the Pond' by Tim O'Brien - songs and additional information.

'Queen of the Pond' by Tim O'Brien
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 More about Tim O'Brien 
The following songs are suggestions; other songs may be used at the discretion of the production. The script copyright and performance rights cover the scores we supply. The script copyright and performance rights do not cover other songs.
Scores for the following songs are supplied with the Producer's Copy of the script.
Song #SongSample
1The Muddy Mad World Of The Pond (Tim O'Brien)Sample from the Backing CD
2To Be A Princess (Tim O'Brien)
3I’ll Show Them (Tim O'Brien)
4Kiss A Frog (Tim O'Brien)Sample from the Backing CD
5Song Of The Bully Frogs (Tim O'Brien)
6Knights Of The Rectangular Couch (Tim O'Brien)Sample from the Backing CD
7The Things We Do Adore (Tim O'Brien)
8Turtles (Tim O'Brien)
9The Number One (Tim O'Brien)
10The Muddy Mad World Of The Pond - Reprise (Tim O'Brien)
Period and Geography
Location: a fictitious country. Time Period: Timeless
Settings and Set Complexity
Number of Sets: 2
Setting: Forest, Castle Interior and Front-of-Curtain
Set Requirements: Backdrops/simple flats and Multiple locations in one set
The script includes characters in the following age range(s):
Unspecified ages
 Language Advisory:Help
We have not identified any instances of bad language in the text.
(However we are not omniscient. We therefore invite you to read the text on-line.)
In addition to the text, the "Producer's Copy" of the Script includes the following:
A list of the required properties
Piano and vocal scores for all of the songs (these should be listed above)
Musical for schools and youth theatres. An original take on the time-tested tale of amphibian ambition. Alternates between two sets.
Originally published 2011, revised 2014
Sarah wants to learn to be a princess so she has a chance of marrying Prince Chesterfield, however she's up against some serious - and scheming - competition from The Princess Club. A mistaken spell from a mathematically-challenged wizard turns Sarah into a frog instead of a princess. Can she still win the heart of the prince and save her friends in the pond at the same time?


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