Lazy Bee Scripts
'The Magic Carpet' by Andrew Yates - additional information.

'The Magic Carpet' by Andrew Yates
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 More about Andrew Yates 
Period and Geography
Location: a fictitious country. Time Period: Timeless
Settings and Set Complexity
Number of Sets: 3
Setting: Castle Interior, Village and Shop/Store
Set Requirements: Backdrops/simple flats
The script includes characters in the following age range(s):
Unspecified ages
 Language Advisory:Help
We have not identified any instances of bad language in the text.
(However we are not omniscient. We therefore invite you to read the text on-line.)
In addition to the text, the "Producer's Copy" of the Script includes the following:
A list of the required properties
Descriptions of the characters
Family entertainment, designed to fill a similar slot to a British panto (but not sharing all the features of pantomime - more story and less 'variety show').
Ahmed, the Great Mufti of Itsnothatabad, is an old style Middle Eastern potentate whose main aim in life is to out-do his cousin Faisal, particularly when it comes to their wealth and wives. With a visit from Faisal imminent, Ahmed is determined to trump his cousin once and for all with a special new addition to his harem. Tired of brown-eyed beauties with dark hair he sends his hapless servant Saleem on a quest for a blue-eyed blonde. A magic carpet comes to Saleem's rescue and transports him to modern day London but the bombshell he returns with has no intention of fitting into Ahmed's plans. His life is turned upside down in this comedy of sexes and cultures with consequences he could never have imagined.


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