Lazy Bee Scripts
'The Golden Touch - And Other Tales' by Nicholas Richards - additional information.

'The Golden Touch - And Other Tales' by Nicholas Richards
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 More about Nicholas Richards 
Period and Geography
Location: Greece. Time Period: Ancient
Settings and Set Complexity
Number of Sets: 1
Setting: 'Other Location'
Set Requirements: Furniture Only
The script includes characters in the following age range(s):
Unspecified ages
 Language Advisory:Help
We have not identified any instances of bad language in the text.
(However we are not omniscient. We therefore invite you to read the text on-line.)
In addition to the text, the "Producer's Copy" of the Script includes the following:
A list of the required properties
Miscellaneous notes from the author
A collection of dramatized Greek myths told in a light hearted and highly accessible form, bringing the tales to life.
The stories of Phaethon, King Midas (he of the golden touch, but also the ass's ears), the origins of winter, Echo and Narcissus, Erysichthon, Minerva and Arachne and finally Pygmalion and the Statue.


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