Lazy Bee Scripts
'Shakespeare's Last Act' by Joan Greening - additional information.

'Shakespeare's Last Act' by Joan Greening
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 More about Joan Greening 
Period and Geography
Location: England. Time Period: 17th Century
Settings and Set Complexity
Number of Sets: 1
Setting: Cafe/Bar/Restaurant
Set Requirements: Furniture Only
The script includes characters in the following age range(s):
21 to 35
36 to 50
 Language Advisory:Help
We have not identified any instances of bad language in the text.
(However we are not omniscient. We therefore invite you to read the text on-line.)
In addition to the text, the "Producer's Copy" of the Script includes the following:
A list of the required properties
Witty one-act comedy play in a single set (and not much of that), with plenty of Shakespeare references and a poignant ending.
Shakespeare is working on his final play, Henry VIII, collaborating with John Fletcher. The working relationship is tetchy. Shakespeare's friend, Richard Burbage, assumes he will get the lead, but Fletcher has other ideas. Shakespeare comes up with a plot to get his friend the part.


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