Lazy Bee Scripts
Script Titles Starting With P

Clicking on an underlined play title will take you to an overview page for that play.
There you will find links to the script, to additional details and to the pricing page.

Scripts 41 to 60 of 212
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People Could Die (by Frank Gibbons)
The People's Act of Literature (by Rupert Haigh)
Perceptions (by Geoff Parker)
Percy and The Holy Grail (by Sharon Hulm)
The Perfect Couple (by Jonathan Edgington)
Perfect Duck (by Paul Gisby)
The Perfect Princess and the Wonky Wizard (by Jonathan Edgington)
Perfect Pupil (by Mark Billen)
The Perils at Peddler's Cove (by Richard Coleman)
Perseus - A Hero's Headhunt (by Nicholas Richards)
Perseus and Medusa (by Tony North)
Perseus and Medusa - It's All Greek to Me! (by Jessica Puller and Tyler Beattie)
Perseus and Medusa - The Musical (by Gerald P. Murphy)
Perseus and the Gorgon's Head (by Geoff Bamber)
Person Or Persons Unknown (by Barry Lambert)
Pet Rescue (by Tony Domaille)
Peter and The Violin Teacher (by Nicholas Richards)
Peter Pan - A Pantomime (by Stephen and Rachel Humphreys)
Peter Pan - Youth Version (by Rachael Ashworth)
Peter Pan (The Panto) (by James Barry)

Scripts 41 to 60 of 212
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