Lazy Bee Scripts
Script Titles Starting With C

Clicking on an underlined play title will take you to an overview page for that play.
There you will find links to the script, to additional details and to the pricing page.

Scripts 1 to 20 of 219219
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The Cabbage Consortium (by Jim Pinnock)
A Cabinet Meeting (by Seán Lang)
Cadbury Angels (by Alison Smith)
Caesar - The Panto (by Jenny Gilbert)
Caesar and the Pirates [Full Version] (by Nicholas Richards and Timothy Hallett)
Caesar and the Pirates [Short Version] (by Nicholas Richards and Timothy Hallett)
Café Fear (by Paul John Matthews)
Café Society (by Colin Calvert)
Cagic Mup (by Gerald P. Murphy)
Caiaphas (by Mike Sparks)
Calamity Dame - A Wild West Panto (by Tracy Canavan-Smith)
Calamity Dame and the Lost Treasure (by Tracy Canavan-Smith)
Call To Duty (by Nettie Baskcomb Brown)
The Camel Lot (by Sian Nixon)
Camelot - The Knights of the Square Table (by Richard Coleman)
Camp David (by Tony Domaille)
Camping (by Bob Tucker)
Can Malone Die? (by David Pollard)
Can We Stop It There? (by Trevor Suthers)
Can You See It From Here? (by Geoff Bamber)

Scripts 1 to 20 of 219219
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