Lazy Bee Scripts
Script Titles Starting With C

Clicking on an underlined play title will take you to an overview page for that play.
There you will find links to the script, to additional details and to the pricing page.

Scripts 81 to 100 of 219219
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Changing Booms (by TLC Creative)
Changing Rooms (by Jackie Carreira)
Chaos In Wonderland (by Richard Coleman)
A Chaotic Christmas Carol (by Richard Coleman)
Chariot (by Chad Bearden)
Charles Dickens' Christmas Eve (by Wende Feller)
Charlie to the Checkout Please (by Robert Scott)
Charlie's Last Lap (by Frank Gibbons)
Charlotte Holmes - Future Detective (by Richard James)
Charm Offensive (by Cheryl Barrett)
Charmed I'm Sure (by Kate Phimy)
A Charming Affair (by Robert Scott)
Chasing the Zodiac (by Roger Lee)
Checking Out (by Jo Chandler)
Checkmate (by Robert Scott)
Checkout (by Johnny Grim)
Checkout Girls (by Louise Roche)
Cheer Up, Santa! (by Helen Spencer)
Cheers (by Bob Tucker)
Chekhov's Shorts (by Anton Chekhov, adapted Gerald P. Murphy)

Scripts 81 to 100 of 219219
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