Plays sorted by (our estimate of) Run-Time
(This category excludes pantomimes - see below.)
Less than 10 Minutes
10 to 20 Minutes
21 to 30 Minutes
31 to 45 Minutes
46 to 60 Minutes
More than 60 Minutes
Caution: Run-times are estimates from word-count (plus estimates for songs, where applicable). This will vary enormously due to speaking rate, stage business, songs and dances and the logistics of getting large casts on and off small stages!.
School Plays
This category is here to identify
plays with a minimum of 25 performers
plays with a chorus (in the sense of "crowd", not necessarily in the sense of "choir") which usually means that the plays can be done by a large group (sometimes multiple classes).
Plays by Genre
(For this age-group several categories will be empty.)
Musicals and Musical Plays
Plays with Religious/Moral Themes
Dramas based on
Old Testament Stories
New Testament Stories
Christian Commentaries" (plays with religious themes, but not based on any specific text)
Other moral plays.
Christmas Plays
Most of the
Christmas Plays have some religious element (on the grounds that it's a Christian festival!) although a few remain resolutely secular.
Rhyming Plays for Children
The verse plays include
plays with educational value (some of them in a mix of rhyme and prose),
rhyming drama just for fun,
and, of course, the
rhyming pantomimes
Plays with Educational Themes
all educational plays or the specific topics listed...
Plays about
Plays about
Ecological (Green) Issues
Historical Drama
Most of the
History Plays have some sort of educational value.
However there are also a few
plays with no direct educational purpose set in a well-defined historical period.
History plays by theme:-
Ancient Civilizations
Greeks (including Greek Myths),
Pantomimes for Kids
These include
school pantomimes (specifically written for school-age children and generally no longer than an hour),
rhyming pantomimes and
longer pantomimes that are within the range of (some) school-age groups.